

To have API access you need to first request access by contacting us.


For security reasons we have the following authentication precautions:

  1. IP Whitelisting : To be able to make any IP calls, the machine that is calling our REST API has to be whitelisted. IP addresses can be added or removed in your ApiApp settings. The whitelisted IP addresses are valid for your CROWDMANAGER organization.
  2. API Key : Every API call has to be authenticated by providing the authorization header with your API key. Your API key can be found under the API settings. Example : Authorization: Basic {yourApiKey}

Note : We only support API requests over HTTPS.

API Settings

You can find your API settings on under Settings > API & Integrations > ApiApps.

Permissions Model

Each organization has access to a certain set of resources. These permissions are determined by the modules that your organization has access to. There are default/administrative resources which are available to each user and there are resources which are only available if your organization has access to the parent module of those resources.

Overview of the modules:

Important : Too see which resource belongs to which module, consult our reference.